Listing submission guidelines BarcelonaYellow

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Listings price and submission guidelines 

BarcelonaYellow only accepts website submissions from businesses related to the city of Barcelona, Spain that are relevant to tourists and English speaking residents of Barcelona or Catalonia. BarcelonaYellow only accepts website submissions from good quality websites, business and individuals. If your website or service is not related to Barcelona or Catalonia or to living in Spain in general, then it will not be published. All listings contain a no-follow tag to comply with Google policies of not selling links for SEO purposes. Barcelonayellow directory listings are not free.

Directory listings pricelist 2024

Placement always in alphabetical order 
12 MONTHS price is €0.50 per day ex IVA
Total invoice amount = €180 + €37.80 IVA = €217.80

Basic listing content includes 

* Description of max 500 words
* 6 photos, a non SEO link to your website 
* Non SEO links to your social media sites 
* Your Youtube video embedded if you have one 

Placement top of the category always in alphabetical order 
12 MONTHS price is €.75 per day ex IVA
Total payable invoice amount = €275 + €57.75 IVA = €332.75

Featured listing content includes 

* Description of max 500 words
* 6 photos, a non SEO link to your website 
* Non SEO links to your social media sites 
* Your Youtube video embedded if you have one visitor traffic 2023

3,243 average daily unique visitors
98,646 average monthly unique visitors
1,183,754 annual unique visitors
1,343,259 annual pages views

Listing submission terms:

All listings are reviewed and authorised by our editors and will not be automatically publshed. This is to ensure that all the information in is of high quality and up-to-date.  We reserve the right to reject any listing(s) that do not meet our submission terms below or that we do not deem of use to our visitors.

1. Please suggest which category best suits your listing.
2. Individual pages of a site or sub domains will not accepted.    
3. Your site must not be 'under construction'    
4. Do not submit mirror sites that have same content, but different URLs. For businesses, organisations and individuals we will only accept sites, that are the official and main website of the business or freelancer 
5. The site must not redirect to another site.    
6. The site must be a service that is relevant to visitors or residents of Barcelona
7. Sites consisting mainly of affiliate links are not accepted.    
8. Sites containing any adult material, content, violence, copyright infringing material, sex, or illegal content will not be accepted.    
9. Sites containing gambling online will not not be accepted.    
10. Sites with poor content developed for the sole purpose of earning revenue from AdSense advertisements will not be accepted.   
11. Sites with poor design and high saturation of advertisements will not be accepted.    
12. We reserve the right to edit the description text of your listing if we consider the language or description to be inappropriate, misleading or badly written or for other reasons.
13. We recommend that you check with us first if you want to submit many sites
14. If you are not the owner of the site, then please tell us why you are submitting a listing.


You can send us your listing in English or Spanish/Castellano language.  We will translate short listings of max 500 words from Castellano to English without cost. 
If you are offering services in a category that is mostly visiting by tourists, then we recommend that your website has a section in English. It would be helpful if you include information if you have staff that speak English or other languages. We reserve the right to post, modify or delete any information submitted.  

How to submit a listing?

If your submission meets our terms above, then  fill our Listing Submission Form below and one of our editors will review your website.

If we find it suitable, we will contact you to create your listing and with the listing fee payment details.

The submission process usually takes 7 days as we receive many submissions.

Please take your time to make sure that you are providing the best and most accurate information. 

Please pay particular attention to the title, description and keywords for your website. 

We reserve the right to make changes to the text if there are spelling mistakes or the meaning is unclear. 

Re photo or picture. If you have a quality website, then we will use an image of your website. If you prefer, then you can submit another image for consideration, for example your logo, but we reserve the right to decide which image to use.

Kindly contact us here if you have questions or wish to purchase banner advertising on

Please read our listing guidelines below before you submit your site listing. 

Fill out online form.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 10:07

Monday, 13 January 2025