Barcelona Events 2024

Nit de Sant Joan Barcelona 2024

Saint John Festival Barcelona

Event date:
23rd June 2024 - all evening until dawn

Event location:
All over Barcelona and on beaches

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Nit de Sant Joan 2024

See our full guide in English to Sant Joan Barcelona. St John's festival is Barcelona's loudest and craziest fireworks night. The fireworks are mostly firecrackers though, so be warned if you don't like firecrackers, then Sant Joan is not for you. The bangs and explosions will go on most of the night. The Feast of Sant John Barcelona is the Festival of Saint John. Saint John's Festival in Barcelona is called many names but mostly called the Nit de Sant Joan - Sant Joan night.

It is also called 'la revetlla de Sant Joan' in Catalan language - and in the Spanish language it is called 'Verbenas de Sant Joan'. 

All the names refer to the same festival - or feast - which is the festival of Saint John the Baptist, which is an annual festival that celebrates midsummers eve - also called midsummer solstice celebration - in Spain during the evening and night of 23rd June every year. The day after Nit de Sant Joan - on 24th June is 'el día de Sant Joan' - Sant John's day which is a public holiday in Barcelona and Spain.

Visit the city website (links below) for more details about Sant Joan events and bonfires in connection with the Sant Joan in Barcelona or read our guide to Barcelona's Sant Joan Festival 

About Sant Joan Barcelona

The Nit de Sant Joan is a very festive, fiery, noisy and fun night. There is no central fireworks display in Barcelona and no official programme for the Sant Joan celebrations in Barcelona.

All Sant Joan events in Barcelona are organised locally by families, friends, and local districts and civic centres of Barcelona.

Everyone in Barcelona celebrates the evening with dinners, parties, fireworks and there are many bonfires all over Barcelona and Catalunya. The biggest central gathering on the Nit de Sant Joan is on Barcelona beachfront, which attracts crowds of up to 100.000 people. Many tourists in Barcelona celebrate Sant Joan at Barcelona beach clubs and Barcelona beach restaurants.

The day after the Nit de Sant Joan is a public holiday, so the party goes on until sunrise and all the clubs and bars in the city organise Sant Joan parties.

On the links below you can see where to find bonfires, where you can buy firecrackers (called petards) at pop-up stands and shops all over Barcelona (parades de petards) and read about Sant Joan traditions.

The Barcelona metro is open all night on Sunday 23rd June. The beaches will be closed at 06:00 in the morning of 24/6 for cleaning. The Barcelona Bicing city bike system (for residents only) will also be open all night, but some beach drop-off points will be closed.

FCG trains operate on 23rd June until 2am.

Renfe, the Spanish railways operate on 23rd June but not all anight. They are usually extra connections on regional Rodalies trains to beaches outside Barcelona, where many also go to celebrate Sant Joan festival.

Bona revetlla a tots!

Happy Sant Joan!

Website San Joan Barcelona
Guide Sant Joan Barcelona 
How to get to beaches
Beach-front restaurants
Beach clubs Barcelona
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Various locations in Barcelona

This event takes place at various locations in Barcelona.

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Nit de Sant Joan 2024 - Saint John festival Barcelona
Barcelona Events:
Nit de Sant Joan 2024 - Saint John festival Barcelona
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