22@ Barcelona innovation district Popular

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22@ Barcelona innovation district
22@Barcelona. 22@ Barcelona innovation district. Currenly updating their website. This name refers to the transformation of 200 hectares of old industrial land in the Poblenou and Sant Marti district of Barcelona, previously known as the "Manchester of Catalonia" into an innovative high-tec business area,with the aim of creating a Barcelona 'Silicon Valley' business area.

22@ was created in 2001 by Barcelona City Council and now houses many tech companies and hotels. The 22@Barcelona project has been a great success. By 2010 an estimated 4,500 new companies had moved to the district. Of the 4,500 companies, 47.3% were new start-ups and 31% were technological or knowledge-based companies.

The number of people working in Poblenou rose significantly with currently more than 56,000 new workers, half of them with university studies, and that number is predicted to reach 150,000.

Sunday, 16 February 2025