

Viamichelin route planner

Viamichelin route planner Viamichelin route planner. Prepare your travel with ViaMichelin route planner and finder. Find the shortest directions by creating your detailed road / route map.

Category:Route planners

Repsol route planner

Repsol route planner Guia Repsol. Spanish online route planner

Category:Route planners

RAC route planner

RAC route planner RAC route planner. RAC Route Planner plans your journey from the departure location to your destination and any stops in-between. Route Planner gives maps, directions, the time and distance of the journey.

Category:Route planners

Museu del cementiri de Montjuïc. Montjuic cemetery muse...

Museu del cementiri de Montjuïc. Montjuic cemetery museum Museu del cementiri de Montjuïc. Montjuic Cemetery Museum and Col·lecció de Carrosses al cementiri de Montjuïc is a collection of antique funeral carriages and hearses. Operated by Cementiris de Barcelona (CBSA) How to get to Montjuic cemeteryPublic ...

Mou-te - travel planner Catalonia

Mou-te - travel planner Catalonia Mou-te. (means move yourself) Catalunya travel planner. Includes all forms of transport in Barcelona and Catalonia. Very useful for planning trips to and from Barcelona airport to destinations in Catalunya by public transport. For travel route planni ...

Category:Route planners

Miniguide Barcelona

Miniguide Barcelona Miniguide Barcelona. A hip guide by locals of things to do in Barcelona: concerts, film, nightlife, festivals and other events plus great bars, restaurants, shopping, museums and more

L'Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Popular

L'Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau L'Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Barcelona. Old Hospital de la Santa Creu in Barcelona is a medieval 15th century building in the Raval area of Barcelona and now used as a cultural centre. The name can be confusing because there is anothe ...

Cementiri de Poblenou. Poblenou Cementery

Cementiri de Poblenou. Poblenou Cementery Poblenou Cementery. Cementiri de Poblenou Cemetery in Poblenou area of Sant Marti district of Barcelona. Poblenou Cementery is on Carrer de Taulat 2. The main entrance is at the end of Avinguda Icària. The first cemetery in this location was establis ...

BusPlana Popular

BusPlana. Busplana is the official bus from Reus Airport and Barcelona Airport to Salou, Cambrils, Tarragona, Port Aventura, La Pineda and the entire Costa Dorada. Regional buses from BARCELONA AIRPORT to La Pineda, Salou, Port Aventura Hotels, Cambr ...

Barcelona cemetery route - CBSA

Barcelona cemetery route - CBSA CBSA. Barcelona cemetery route and visits. Cementiris de Barcelona organise the 'Cemeteries Route' which offers guided visits of Barcelona's two monumental cemeteries which are the Cementiri de Poblenou in the Poblenou area of Barcelona and the Cemen ...

AVE - high speed trains from Barcelona Popular

AVE - high speed trains from Barcelona Barcelona AVE train tickets. High speed AVE trains from Barcelona to Madrid, Paris, Girona and Figueres and more cities. AVE trains are operated by Renfe, which is the Spanish railway company that operates inter-city trains all over Spain. AVE means ...

Apolo - club Popular

Apolo - club Sala Apolo club Barcelona.Sala Apolo is one of Barcelona's most popular clubs and live music venues. Apolo is located in a vintage 1940'ies ballroom and dance hall in the popular Poble Sec area of Barcelona. Sala Apolo has two different spaces which ...

Altaïr travel book shop

Altaïr travel book shop Altair Travel Book shop Barcelona. Widely regarded as Barcelona's best travel bookshop with many titles in English and maps. Cafe in basement.Opening times:Monday to Saturday: 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 20.30

Sunday, 16 February 2025