Pictures Horta Labyrinth Park

Photos Horta Labyrinth Park Barcelona
Parc del Laberint d'Horta

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

The Horta Labyrinth Park is one of the loveliest parks in Barcelona and the oldest. The park is the former estate of the Desvalls family
and now a garden-museum open to the public.

Opening times, location and directions to Horta Labyrinth park

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Nicest parks in Barcelona

aerial view labyrinth park barcelona

Horta Labyrinth Park is easily accessible by metro from the centre of Barcelona.  Despite its beauty it is not that well known and often quite empty, which only adds to the tranquility and beauty of this spot in Barcelona.  All around the park there are many  lovely corners, nooks and crannies, where you can relax and enjoy flowers beds, sculptures, fountains, springs and pools. Finding the park can be a bit difficult because of the name which is a bit misleading.  Horta-Guinardó is a district in Barcelona, and many think that the Horta labyrinth park is somewhere near the Horta metro station. on blue metro line L5 Actually it is nowhere near, and you should get off at Mundet metro station on the green metro L3.

There is an admission fee, but on Sundays the park is free.  To preserve the delicate environment and structures of the park  only 750 visitors at the same time are allowed inside. The name of the park is from the popular labyrinth of trimmed cypress bushes. The theme of the gardens and of the labyrinth is love. At the entrance of the labyrinth there is a marble bas-relief depicting Ariadne and Theseus from the greek legend of the labyrinth.  You will probably not need Ariadnes's thread to find your way out, but it can take up to 20 minutes. In the centre of the labyrinth you come across a small statue of the god Eros.

The original neoclassical park was built to the design of the original owner, Marquis Joan Antoni Desvalls i d'Ardena, Marquès of Alfarràs and Llupià. He was helped by an Italian architect, Domenico Bagutti, who designed the complex water systems Construction was directoed by Catalan master builders Jaume and Andreu Valls as well as french gardener Joseph Delvalet. Then in the mid-19th century, the Desvalls family commissioned architect Elies Rogent to expand the park. A romantic garden was added with flower beds, gazebos, huge trees and a waterfall. A water canal was also added connecting the top and mid level terraces.

The last addition was in 1880 when  a domestic garden was added beside the Desvalls house. The old Desvalls' Palace hosts, since 1993, Centre de Formació del Laberint (a city-owned institute of Gardening education) as well as a specialized library. The park was owned by the Desvalls family until the 1967, when it was taken over by the Barcelona Town Council and opened as a public park in 1971. A major renovation in 1994 transformed it into a garden museum that it is today.
  In the summer the city of Barcelona sometimes organises classical concerts in the gardens of Parc del Laberint d'Horta.

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

The Labyrinth is an fun day out for all the family.
Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Twin temples with cupolas dedicated to females Danaë and Ariadne of Greek mythology

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

A river of gardens and plants  cascades down the hilll side.  At the bottom an odd space called the "false cemetary"

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

At the entrance to the park you can see the former country house of the Desvalls family, which is a striking building with neoarabic and neogothic influences.  The house is built around the tower "Torre Sobirana", which is a medieval watchtower from the 16 century.  The house is not open to the public and is partly in disrepair, but part of it is now used as a gardening school and park offices called " Centre de Formació del Laberint.

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

Excellent picnic area just outside the park museum area 

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

Childrens playground and cafe just outside the Horta park area

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona 

At the highest point of the park there is a neo-Classical pavillion withreservoir of goldfishand sculpture of Egeria

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

The Romance canal Horta Horta Labyrinth 

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

The waterfall in the labyrinth park

Labyrinth Park Horta Barcelona

The Velodrom in Horta located just outside the labyrinth park. This is Barcelona's sports bicycle ring, which was used for the Olympics in 1992. Open to the public on Sundays.

Bicycle Velodrome Barcelona 

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Last Updated on Thursday, 10 March 2016 22:26
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